

Providing Ethical Oversight for 研究 Projects Involving Living, Human Subjects

的 的 院校覆核委员会 is comprised of several faculty members, 1名行政支持人员, 还有一名成员与SEU无关.

的 IRB supports the SEU scientific community by reviewing individual research proposals so that they (1) comply with federal regulations and (2) ensure the basic rights and dignities of every human participant. A key tenet of the IRB mission is to ensure "respect for persons" during research studies, 如 贝尔蒙特报告.

对于每个研究计划, the IRB endeavors to provide a timely review that evaluates the risks to subjects. Considerations include the sensitivity of information being collected and the level of discomfort or distress participants might experience during the course of the study. 的 IRB then works with the Principal Investigator to minimize the risks and achieve IRB approval.

的 IRB's additional goal is to educate the SEU community about the review process and broader ethical considerations. This is achieved with researchers through one-on-one communications, 教育材料, 课堂培训, and faculty workshops at the SEU Teaching Symposium.

  • Any research project involving living 人类被试, and where the Principal Investigator (PI) OR participant is a St. 365比分网电竞 faculty, staff, or student, must be reviewed and approved by the SEU IRB 在研究开始之前.
  • 经过初步审查, depending on the level of risk to participants, 内部审查委员会指定一个研究项目 免除, 加快 or 全面审查. 看到这个 IRB流程图 for more specifics on the evaluation process.
  • 提交过程从St. 365比分网电竞 税务局申请门户. All IRB applications are online, but supporting materials (Informed Consent, Recruitment, etc.) are completed separately and submitted as attachments. 参考 形式 & 模板 page for additional guidance on which documents to prepare and how to submit.
  • 所有研究人员都应该 提前六周计划 获得内部审查委员会的批准. 平均, 豁免和加急提案, the time between submission and approval is 7-21 days. For 全面审查, approval could take several weeks.

Note:  Submissions received during finals week or before holiday breaks

  • 免除 & 加快: Proposals that need review before the Christmas break should be submitted approximately 两(2)周 在学校最后一天之前. 的 IRB will make every effort to provide feedback before the holiday, but approval might be delayed until faculty return to campus in mid-January.
  • 全面审查: 研究 proposals that include vulnerable populations (children, 孕妇, 囚犯, and persons with diminished decision-making capacity), 或者对参与者构成高风险, 必须收到 至少14天 在IRB每月例会召开之前. 看到 IRB全体董事会会议日期在此的 Full Board does not meet May through August. To receive feedback before the end of the academic year, these proposals 必须收到 在4月截止日期前.
  • 夏天IRB:
    的se proposal types will be accepted and reviewed during specific summer months:
    • 6月 & 7月-免加急 & 修改/继续审查. Submission deadline for ALL proposals is July 15, 2024.
    • 8月——没有IRB服务.

圣. 365比分网电竞 IRB is not responsible for enforcing professional standards beyond those concerning the protections of living, 人类被试. 例如, the IRB does not evaluate the quality of the research methodology or the topic's compliance with the University mission. 的 IRB is only concerned with the foreseeable risks and benefits for participants in University-affiliated research projects.

然而, the IRB does require specificity and thoroughness within the proposal's application regarding all research protocols, 尤其是在同意书上. 的 IRB提交清单 is a useful tool for knowing what is required. 的 IRB will also sometimes make non-binding recommendations to the PI based on best practices.

All scientific disciplines are subject to the same standards of excellence. 因此,圣. 365比分网电竞 researchers are expected to maintain professional conduct and adhere to these standards throughout their scientific investigations, even in areas beyond the purview of the IRB.

圣. 365比分网电竞 IRB is required to ensure that University-affiliated research complies with the current laws of the State of Texas, as well as federal guidelines as defined by the Office for Human 研究 Protections (OHRP) (45 CFR 46)和美国.S. 食物及药物管理局(食品及药物管理局) (21 CFR 50),这是美国的两个部门.S. 卫生及公众服务部(的发病率).

根据这些指导方针, 研究意味着系统的调查, 包括研究开发, 测试, 和评估, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge” (45 CFR 46.102(d)). 同样的, "A human subject is a living individual about whom an investigator (professional or student) conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information" (45 CFR 46.102(f)).

Parent Institution/Organization: IORG0008223 (expires 02/11/2025)
IRB注册编号00009859 - St. 爱德华大学伦理审查委员会

Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) #00027924 (expires 9/15/2025)

St. 365比分网电竞 uses the Smartsheet Management System for secure, IRB研究计划提交.



周一 & 周三:

周二 & 星期四:


