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Meet Our Leadership

Richard J. Bautch, PhD 

Richard Bautch来自芝加哥地区,是圣母大学圣十字教育的产物, MA and PhD). As an educator, his deepest roots are in Catholic high school teaching; Bautch taught English to sophomores and juniors for several years before going to graduate studies and focusing on Christianity and Judaism in antiquity. 

In addition to teaching at St. 爱德华的 University, 鲍奇在艺术与人文学院担任领导职务,包括系主任和副院长. 他还参与了西南宗教研究委员会(首席执行官)的工作, 2014–2018) and the Catholic Biblical Association (executive board, 2014–2016, 2018–present).

Bautch于2019年加入HCI理事会,自2020年以来一直担任主席. As interim executive director, 他现在期待着与圣十字家族的其他领导人在我们的中学和高等教育机构密切合作. “Our common aim,” Bautch said, 就是要完成巴兹尔·莫罗(Basil Moreau)所说的“成功地栽培我们蒙召的主的葡萄园”.’”鲍奇对圣经学者巴兹尔·莫罗特别感兴趣,喜欢研究圣十字会创始人的这方面. Ave Crux, Spes Unica! 


Michael Glynn
Assistant Director, The Holy Cross Institute

迈克尔·格林(Michael Glynn) 2015年毕业于圣母大学(University of Notre Dame),获得学士学位.A. in Economics and History. 作为一名大学生,这种对圣十字教育的接触使他对圣十字教会及其魅力产生了深刻的欣赏——这种欣赏激发了他在圣十字学院的存在后加入圣十字学院的兴趣. 爱德华的 University.

迈克尔在三所大学接受了九年的高等教育后,于2024年夏天加入了圣十字学院. 他在沃斯堡的德克萨斯基督教大学(Texas Christian University)本科招生办公室工作了六年. In this role he frequently met with students and parents, 试图传达TCU社区的精神,并在整个申请过程中作为资源. 在TCU期间,他还获得了尼利商学院的工商管理硕士学位. Before joining the St. 爱德华的 community, 迈克尔曾在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的麦库姆斯商学院工作, focusing on the graduate admission process.

While in his final year at Notre Dame, 迈克尔参加了一门名为“圣十字架精神与美德”的课程.“这门课程提供了一个独特的视角来了解圣十字的神恩、生活和使徒. 该课程提供了一个机会,让25位不同的演讲者讲述他们各自在圣十字教育中所扮演的角色, ministry and formation. 与凯文·格罗夫(Kevin Grove)一起深入研究了受祝福的巴兹尔·莫罗的生活和写作.S.C. 与比尔·沃克(现为彭萨科拉-塔拉哈西教区主教)一起担任圣十字教区牧师.S.C., 迈克尔很高兴有机会听到这么多关于他们如何在圣十字中发挥作用的消息来源. 他期待着深入到圣十字的职业生涯, 希望带给那些他在校园里和在世界各地的更大的圣十字社区互动的热情.

Michael looks to make the most of his time in central Texas, 只要他的日程允许,他就会去德克萨斯州远近的城镇. Around town, he is most likely found cycling around town, practicing yoga or going to one of his favorite coffee shops. 

AJ 瓦尔韦德 
Communications Manager, The Holy Cross Institute 

AJ 瓦尔韦德 graduated from St. 2020年12月在爱德华大学获得传播学学士学位,主修广告和公共关系. He recently in May 2024, graduated St. 获得爱德华大学数字营销和数据分析理学硕士学位. 在他的本科经历中,他参与了校园事工,以多种方式服务. 他最有影响力的时刻之一是在2019年春假期间参加了一次服务休息体验, in which he volunteered at St. Malachy Catholic School in Chicago, IL. He spent a year abroad in Angers, 法国, a 30-minute train ride west of Le Mans, 法国 (the birthplace of Holy Cross). 在他的最后一个学期,他做了一个关于圣十字对圣十字的影响的独立研究. Edward's campus in Austin, Texas. His research included reading various Holy Cross texts, interviews with students that came from Holy Cross high schools, 他还去了圣克罗伊圣母院,在那里他采访了保罗·埃利神父, CSC.

瓦尔韦德是由CSC的Larry Atkinson弟兄介绍到圣十字的. 从他大一入学起,谁就一直是他的导师. 在学习期间,他跟随理查·戴利修士修读了一门名为《365bet足球比分》的课程. 这门课程至关重要,使他加入了各种社会正义组织. During his last semester of college, 瓦尔韦德曾担任Hilltoppers的执行董事. H4H是一个学生慈善理事会,旨在提高学生奉献时间的意识, talent and treasure.

瓦尔韦德s love for The Congregation of Holy Cross runs deep. In his first months with our office, he launched a new social media channel, developed email campaigns, helped organize Convocation 2021, 和更多的. AJ希望将圣十字学院的品牌提升到一个更高的水平. His experience with social media, 创意写作和项目管理将为HCI的进一步成功奠定基础.

In his free time, 瓦尔韦德 enjoys traveling, playing tennis, camping and spending time with friends and family.

圣十字会像一棵参天大树一样成长,不断地长出新的枝干,而这些枝干又会生出新的枝干, and all nourished by the same sap and endowed with the same life.
Blessed Basil Moreau, CSC Circular Letter 65

Previous Executive Directors

  • Marco Clark, EdD (2020–2022) 
  • Brother Joel Giallanza, CSC (2011–2012, 2018–2020)
  • Brother Thomas Dziekan, CSC (2017–2018)
  • Brother Donald Blauvelt, CSC (2012–2017)
  • Brother Stephen Walsh, CSC (2005–2011)

Holy Cross Institute Board of Governors

Lisa Kirkpatrick, PhD
Vice President For Student Affairs
第九条 Coordinator
St. 爱德华的 University, Austin, Texas

Robert Nolte
Director of Business
Bishop McNamara High School
Forestville, Maryland        

Teresa Billings
PK – 7th Grade Principal
Holy Cross School
New Orleans, Louisiana

Brother Robert E. Lavelle, CSC (Secretary)
Assistant Provincial, 
CSC Midwest Province 

Headmaster Emeritus,
Gilmour Academy, Gates Mills, Ohio

Terry Lee
Director of School Sponsorship
Congregation of Holy Cross, Moreau Province
Austin, Texas

Brother Bob Livernois, CSC
Director of Spiritual Care and Mission Integration
Holy Cross Village, Notre Dame, Indiana

迪帕克一个. 帕特尔
Trustee Chair Emeritus
Holy Trinity High School, Chicago, Illinois

Marianne Ward-Peradoza, PhD
St. 爱德华的 University
Austin, Texas