Funding Your Graduate Education

当你考虑用硕士学位投资你的未来时, 支付研究生院的费用是你决定的一个重要部分. 

Don’t hesitate to apply for a program at St. Edward’s because you think it’s too expensive. 我们的学生金融服务顾问可以帮助您浏览资金资源并制定计划. Here are 9 things to know and do as you explore your options.

1. Create a Financing Strategy

Most graduate students at St. 爱德华一家用贷款、储蓄和收入来资助他们的教育. 如果你决定贷款,首先要做一个预算. To help you plan, 你的学生金融服务顾问可以给你一个项目预期费用的细目. Borrow only what you need to cover your education expenses. 确保你完全了解贷款的条款和条件.

The image shows a young woman with blonde hair, wearing a sleeveless rust-colored blouse, working on a laptop in a modern, spacious room with large windows. Her laptop has a colorful tree design on the cover. She is seated at a long table, focused on her work. In the background, a man is seated in a red chair reading, while another person walks outside in a lush green park. 设置似乎是一个安静,光线充足的书房或休息区,可以看到户外景色.

2. Look at Federal Loans First

These low-interest, 固定利率贷款通常比私人贷款提供更好的条款和利率,应该是你的首选援助. The following are available to graduate students (U.S. 符合联邦资格标准的公民或合格的非公民.  

Direct Unsubsidized (Stafford) Loan

Provides up to $20,500 per year with a maximum lifetime amount of $138,500, 包括你为大学本科费用所借的钱, and does not require a credit check.

Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

Provides up to the total cost of attendance, minus any other student financial aid you receive, and requires a credit check or a co-signer.

3. Submit the FAFSA — the Sooner the Better

联邦贷款要求你每年提交联邦学生援助免费申请,以确定你的资格. After your FAFSA is successfully processed, 教育部会把结果寄给你和圣. Edward’s within two to four days. Once you’ve been accepted to St. Edward’s and we’ve received your FAFSA results, 你会在几天内收到我们的助学金通知.

图为一台笔记本电脑,显示联邦学生援助FAFSA登录页面. Next to the laptop, 有关于经济援助的信息小册子和小册子, 其中一篇题为“向FAFSA申请经济援助”,另一篇题为“让私立教育负担得起”.“场景设置在靠窗的桌子上,可以看到外面的绿色植物. 这种设置表明,重点是准备或申请高等教育的经济援助.

4. Know How Your Federal Loan Is Allocated

Federal loan borrowing limits reset each summer, and the amount is split evenly between the semesters (summer, fall, spring) you attend each academic year. 如果你在秋季开始你的项目,你的年度贷款金额将在第一年分成一半. If you start in summer, it will be split in thirds.

5. Stay in Good Standing for Your Loan

为了保持获得联邦贷款的资格,你的平均成绩必须保持在3分以上.每学年成功完成75%的课程,至少选修4门.5 credit hours each semester. If you drop below 4.5 hours, you’ll have to begin payments on the loan.

6. Be Clear about Loan Repayment Terms

当你在你的项目中至少注册了一半时间并且在毕业后六个月开始时,联邦贷款的偿还将被推迟. It’s important to realize that the interest on federal loans for graduate students is not subsidized; interest accrues from the day the loan is disbursed until fully repaid.

7. Check Out Other Sources of Funding

Here are additional financing options to consider:

Private Education Loans

Private loans available through banks, 信用合作社和其他金融机构是另一个选择. 与联邦贷款相比,它们需要信用检查或联署人,通常利率更高,偿还期限更不灵活. If you choose to go his route, St. Edward 's可以提供一份推荐的贷款提供者名单.

Scholarships and Grants

Though St. Edward’s does not offer scholarships, grants or work-study programs for graduate students, 外部奖学金和助学金可以通过其他团体获得, such as foundations, businesses and community or religious organizations. 我们的金融服务顾问可以为您提供一份奖学金和资助资源清单,以满足您的特定学位课程.

Employer Tuition Benefits

如果你的硕士学位能提高你的工作技能, 与你的雇主核实一下是否提供全额或部分学费补助是值得的. 你每年可以获得高达5250美元的免税雇主教育援助.

Assistance Programs for Veterans

If you are a veteran of the U.S. 武装部队,你可能有资格使用你的VA教育福利St. Edward’s. 我们的退伍军人事务办公室可以帮助确定您的资格并回答您的任何问题.

The image shows a male advisor sitting at his desk, smiling and holding a document, 与一个背对着镜头的学生交谈. 顾问穿着粉红色的衬衫,坐在一间砖墙的办公室里, a window, and a bulletin board filled with papers. 环境显得随意和欢迎,表明一个支持性和富有成效的咨询会议. 从窗户射进来的阳光给人一种明亮而积极的感觉.

8. Take Advantage of Tax Benefits for Education

教育税收减免可以通过减少你的所得税来帮助抵消你的学位成本. Don’t overlook them! For example, 你的学生贷款利息可以免税, up to $2,500 a year. 政府的终身学习学分允许你申请最多2美元,000 per year for tuition and fees, books, supplies, equipment, and mileage required for school.

9. Be Aware of How Tuition Is Paid

Your tuitions payments at St. 爱德华的学费可以在每学期开始时一次性支付,也可以在整个学期中分四个月分期支付. Loan, 奖学金和退伍军人援助资金直接送到大学,用于支付学费和杂费. 剩下的费用都退还给你. If you receive employer tuition assistance, 你可以安排你的雇主报销他们同意支付的金额, or St. 爱德华学院可以在每学期开始时向你的雇主收取这笔费用.

Questions? We can help!

Meet with a St. 爱德华的金融服务顾问,他将在你的整个研究生教育过程中与你一起工作.  Email us or call 512-448-8523.