10 Places that Make College in Austin Great

By Mariah Olivarez


奥斯汀是全球力量、科技创新中心和文化之都. 但它也很有趣——这里有美味的冰淇淋和咖啡(两者都是深夜学习的关键)。, 户外活动(健康的关键)等等. 看看一些最受欢迎的山顶景点,以及为什么奥斯汀的大学很棒. 

1. Zilker Park

3.5 miles from St. Edward’s

Zilker是奥斯汀的中央公园,位于市中心,占地351英亩. Home to the iconic music festival Austin City Limits, Barton Springs pool, sand volleyball, 独木舟租赁和一个通往徒步和自行车道的入口. Its magical great lawn is perfect for dogs, 与朋友野餐,以及在奥斯汀华丽多变的天际线的背景下缓解压力所需的一切.


Oh, to be a dog frolicking at Zilker

2. Lady Bird Lake

3 miles from St. Edward’s

在伯德夫人湖上租一艘皮艇,欣赏奥斯汀不同的景色! Enjoy the lush green hills as you paddle upstream. 一旦你到达红芽岛,试着在岛上的狗公园里发现所有可爱的小狗! If you crave a more urban view, cruise through the heart of downtown, 参观奥斯汀最受欢迎的湖滨公园之一, Vic Mathias Auditorium Shores. Life on land more your thing? 在新的木板小道上散步,跑步者和步行者可以在湖面上漫步.



3. Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge

3 miles from St. Edward’s

这座桥就像城市中心的户外客厅. Yes, 它可以把你从河的一边送到河的另一边, for example, 你将从西霍尔姆区(Seaholm District)前往巴顿泉(Barton Springs),并帮助你完成莫帕克(Mopac)和普弗卢格(Pfluger)之间3英里的徒步和自行车步道环路. But it’s also a prime spot to people watch, 以市中心为背景拍照(希望火车经过能拍出完美的照片), listen to a random musician play guitar for tips, or, on a cooler day, sit and read.

A man walking down a bridge walking a pug

10/10 view, 11/10 corgi skills

4. Greetings From Austin Mural

1.5 miles from St. Edward’s

The quintessential Instagram and TikTok spot, 这幅壁画捕捉了州议会大厦等标志性场景, the Barton Springs diving board, and the Congress Avenue bridge. 在壁画前拍照,制作一张可以永远珍藏的数码明信片. 然后从南第一街的众多选择中挑选一些美味的食物.


There’s a joke about an NFT somewhere in here

5. Music Venues

Exploring live music has never been so easy! Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World, 一种渗透到城市每一个角落的身份. 你永远不会知道一个受人喜爱的艺术家是否会很快来访! We’ve compiled a shortlist to get you started:

  • ACL Live at the Moody Theater
  • Waller Creek Amphitheater at Stubb’s
  • Antone’s
  • Emo’s
  • Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park
  • Moody Center

Hey, is that Willie Nelson?

6. Barton Springs

3.5 miles from St. Edward’s

这个天然温泉池有三英亩大! 有足够的空间让你独自一人或与一群朋友一起享受. 巴顿泉一年四季都保持68-70华氏度的凉爽. 如果你只是想带一条毯子和一些零食出去玩,美丽的草地包围了游泳池. 一定要在这里欣赏奥斯汀美丽的日落.

A group of peoplw swimming in Barton Springs Pool

No professional swimming capabilities needed

7. Cosmic Coffee

1 mile from St. Edward’s

Our Hilltoppers love Cosmic Coffee. It’s outside. It has coffee. 它有很棒的快餐车可供选择,距离校园只有很短的步行路程. 配有大椅子和树荫,你可以随心所欲地消磨时间. It often has live music, markets and trivia nights. Cosmic is also a dog-friendly space! Take your dog there (or pet someone else’s dog).


Guac and chips are a quintessential Austin snack

8. Capitol

3 miles from St. Edward’s

由大理石瀑布附近开采的粉色花岗岩制成, 国会大厦的穹顶是全国第二大穹顶. 但正是穹顶下发生的一切决定了德州2800万人的生活. Take a tour, 在南台阶上为你选择的事业参加集会,或者参与德克萨斯州每隔一年举行的立法会议. 如果你对政治学和其他相关专业感兴趣,这是一个实习的好地方. (但任何人都可以通过签署你支持的法案或到众议员办公室为你辩护来产生影响.)

The American flag over the Texas capitol

It's even cooler on the inside

9. Bats

2.5 miles from St. Edward’s

如果你不相信看到一大团蝙蝠从你的脸上飞过是件很棒的事, you have to try it. 免费,独特杀蚊,夜间飞行1次.500万只蝙蝠生活在国会大道大桥的裂缝中,这是一个不容错过的景点. As the city’s unofficial mascot, 你还会在镇上看到蝙蝠和蝙蝠城的艺术作品.



Robert Pattinson or Christian Bale, you decide

10. Amy’s Ice Creams

3 miles from St. Edward’s

艾米冰淇淋店是奥斯汀当地的标志性精品. 每家分店都有超过300种口味的轮转. Grab a cup, a cone, a pint, or even a cake! The South Congress location is not far from campus, and once you pick up your treat, 你可以探索山上的商店和壁画.

A crowd of people in front of Amy's Ice Cream

Belgian Chocolate, you’re welcome


奥斯丁是一个很棒的求学之地,也是St. Edward’s. Think world-class internships, innovative research activities, 奖励服务机会和教授,他们是奥斯汀的一部分. Check out 17 ways Hilltoppers 是否充分利用了这座城市所提供的一切.